II International Forum Fest “INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY for FUTURE”
Dear colleagues!
We are glad to inform that the II International Forum Fest “INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY for FUTURE” will take place in Saint-Petrsburg from 22 to 29 of April, 2021.
The event is dedicated to the celebration of the World Intellectual Property Day on April 26, 2021 and is aimed for the demonstration and dissemination of best effective practices in the sphere of intellectual property and determining the prospects for the further development of various areas of intellectual property associated with the innovative development of industry, business, education and science.
Invite you to share with us the successful experience of creation, identification, legal protection, management and protection of intellectual property across the world.
The event is organized by Intellectual Property Development Foundation, St. Petersburg Polytechnic University of Peter the Great, Russian State Academy of Intellectual Property, Patent-legal firm “NEVA-PATENT”, St. Petersburg State University of Film and Television, All Russia Public Organization “Business Russia”.
Participation is free.
The preliminary program is published on the website ipforfuture.com
It is possible to participate online.
tel.: +7 812 677 63 32, +7 931 969 29 33
email: forum@ipforfuture.com
Will be glad see to you!
Organizing Committee